Money Market Accounts
Sometimes we want to save a little, earn interest, and have the flexibility to spend as we want. At Harrison County Bank, we offer Money Market Accounts that allow you to do just that. Even while you’re saving for the next big expense tomorrow, you can be free to make the purchases you need today.
Low section view of a man standing by text Spend or Save with arrow sign represents the concept of shopping.

Hi-Fi Account
Spend & Save or Save & Spend…either way, it’s your money.
With a lower minimum balance to start earning and multiple tiers of interest, a Hi-Fi Account is a way to get started taking control of your money.
Click below for terms and conditions.

Premium Interest Checking
The bigger the balance, the bigger the interest reward!
For those who have a bit more to save, Harrison County Bank offers you even more returns with higher interest rates in our Premium Interest Checking than our other accounts. Big time savings and flexible access – now that’s a great combo!